BIM-based construction in process

Development of an ideal-typical target process chain for the application of the BIM method in the life cycle of buildings

Funders: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau

Project term: 07/2015 bis 09/2017

The BIM method has so far only been used as an isolated solution in Germany. In order to achieve the so-called "BIG open BIM", which provides for holistic work across all disciplines on a data model, it is no longer the software that is the decisive hurdle, but above all the lack of standards and changed processes, as well as the lack of legal certainty. As part of the Zukunft Bau research initiative, a research project is now to develop an ideal-typical target process chain using the BIM method along the life cycle of a building. This target process chain is the prerequisite for the development of a guideline for implementing the BIM method over the entire life cycle of buildings.

Procedure and work status
Actual process in the life cycle of buildings (design)
As a basis for the development of an ideal-typical target process chain, the actual processes without the use of the BIM method in the life cycle of buildings are first analysed. For the scenario considered, a public builder who becomes both owner and operator of the new building was used. Further scenarios can be derived from this. The actual processes are then defined and modelled on the basis of literature research (including standards, guidelines, regulations, etc.), further research projects and expert interviews (including in the context of workshops). These also include the analysis of the scope of services and the information and communication interfaces.

To ensure that the results correspond to current practice, the process chain is validated in close consultation with a team of experts consisting of the practice partners and those involved in the project network.

Target process in the life cycle of structures (design)
Based on the modelled actual processes, the ideal-typical target process chain is developed iteratively using the BIM method in consultation with the practice partners and the stakeholders of the project network. In addition, all relevant information and communication interfaces are identified and inserted.

How much BIM can an SME project take?

Our three-part film series lets those involved in the project have their say and clarifies the contribution that BIM can make, also and especially for medium-sized companies in the construction industry. The new construction of a retail park in Thuringia served as a BIM project. In our video series, project developers, architects, building contractors and other project participants have their say. The project was also accompanied scientifically - resulting in the BIM Guide for SMEs, which you can download here.

Part 1- about the project

Part 2 - Execution

Part 3 - Conclusion And Perspective

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