II. BIM action recommendation for municipal building authorities and municipal building management in North Rhine-Westphalia

Continuation with the focus on BIM in operation and sustainable construction

Project term: 11/2022 - 11/2023

With the progressive implementation of the BIM method in the German construction and real estate industry, a uniform understanding and transparent implementation are playing an increasingly important role. Against this background, the BIM-Handlungsempfehlung für die kommunalen Bauverwaltungen und die kommunale Gebäudewirtschaft in Nordrhein-Westfalen. This first BIM-Handlungsempfehlung  provides basic guidance for BIM implementation in municipalities, enabling them to award BIM-based projects and, at best, implement them independently. It creates a common understanding of the application, a structured approach and an overview of the state of development in German science with corresponding pilot projects from practice.

Now, the BIM Competence Centre (BIM-CC) of the Ministerium für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Digitalisierung of Nordrhein-Westfalen has initiated the update in the form of a second BIM-Handlungsempfehlung, with the aim of further advancing the method in the municipalities, for which the BIM Institute of Bergische Universität was again commissioned.

The focus of this update is on the two current and forward-looking topics of BIM in operation and BIM and sustainable construction. In addition, existing aspects from the first recommendation for action are to be updated according to the current state of knowledge.

„BIM ist WIN. Denn es bietet die beste Möglichkeit, um die verschiedenen am Bau beteiligten Disziplinen zusammenzuführen. Wir wollen, dass Nordrhein-Westfalen weiterhin eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Einführung von BIM einnimmt. Deshalb machen wir unsere Kommunen BIM-ready. Dazu wächst unser Unterstützungspaket für sie stetig. Mit der ersten BIM-Handlungsempfehlung und der Schulung BIMKommunal haben wir das Basispaket geschnürt, nun geht es darum Schwerpunkte zu setzen. Denn wir möchten BIM zu einer Methode etablieren, die es ermöglicht, nachhaltiges, bezahlbares Bauen und Wohnen mit den Anforderungen des Klimaschutzes und der Ressourceneffizienz in Einklang zu bringen.“
("BIM is WIN. Because it offers the best opportunity to bring together the various disciplines involved in construction. We want North Rhine-Westphalia to continue to play a pioneering role in the introduction of BIM. That is why we are making our municipalities BIM-ready. To this end, our support package for them is constantly growing. With the first BIM Recommendation for Action and the BIMKommunal training course, we have put together the basic package, and now it is a matter of setting priorities. We want to establish BIM as a method that makes it possible to reconcile sustainable, affordable construction and housing with the requirements of climate protection and resource efficiency,") states Ina Scharrenbach, Minister for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Construction and Digitalisation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

For practical implementation, municipalities of various sizes as well as companies from the economy are again represented as practice partners. In order to gather basic starting information for the planning of BIM projects, the first step will be to hold workshops with a view to the BIM goals for operation and sustainability and then to define the corresponding use cases, tasks, challenges and implementation approaches. Like the first, the second BIM-Handlungsempfehlung will focus on a common understanding of the application, a structured approach and an overview of use cases that can be implemented.  For illustration purposes, pilot projects on the two central topics of operation and sustainability will also be presented in the second BIM-Handlungsempfehlung.

"BIM is WIN: Video on the second BIM recommendation for action"

Participating building administrations and building management companies

Experts from the field

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