BIM information delivery controlling

Development of a guideline for the creation of the BIM-based AIA and the BAP as well as information delivery controlling for the digital collection, control, management and documentation of information.

Funders: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau

Project term: 03/2019 bis 11/2020

The research project will structure requirements for data requirements and data delivery for BIM-based construction projects and develop a project-accompanying controlling instrument. For this purpose, the client's specifications (AIA) and the contractor's specifications (BAP) will be defined in terms of content and structure. The framework for this is formed by the specifications from international and national standardisation or the interim status/work results of the corresponding committees. The central research question is how a digital controlling instrument can lead to standardisation and transparent data consistency in the collection, management, control and documentation of project data.

The scientific basis will be the analysis and comparison of existing AIA and BAP with each other and with standardisation. Experiences from practice will be gathered through expert interviews and workshops and will complement the comparative analysis. The requirements for AIA and BAP derived from this will be presented in checklists and guidelines. These form the basis for the development of a controlling instrument. Based on a process model developed by BUW, test criteria for this instrument will then be derived and requirements for the software will be defined through an analysis of the technical integration.

The aim of the research project is to develop a controlling instrument at demonstration level. This should unify the existing standardisation on the exchange of information in a common data environment between client and contractor in construction projects and enable digital controlling in an open system. It aims to create uniform data consistency and to achieve reliability and a higher degree of repetition in BIM work processes in information management on the client and contractor side through standardised requirement criteria.

The results will be presented in a final scientific publication and prepared in a guideline with checklists and recommendations for action. The demonstrator will be made available online by the research centre as an open-licence instrument. By producing these concrete handouts and the demonstrator and making them available to everyone, the transfer of results and an application of the research findings in practice are guaranteed. The participation of the researchers in standardisation committees and the involvement of a large number of practice partners also ensure feedback into standardisation and an application of the research results in practice.

The research project comprises the two work packages of guideline development for the creation of the AIA/BAP (WP1) and the development of information delivery controlling based on digital test criteria (WP2). The first work package consists of four work steps, which are processed in parallel. In the first work step (WP1.1), an analysis of existing AIA and BAP is carried out.

In the second work step (WP1.2), the results are compared with the experiences of the applicant and the practice partners. Furthermore, an analysis of the experiences with the previous use of project spaces and the results of ISO 19650 on information delivery will be carried out (WP1.3). This will be followed in WP1.4 by a validation of the results in the context of the VDI working groups VDI 2552 Part 10 and VDI 2552 Part 11, among others.

The second work package will be processed in two steps. It includes the derivation of digital verification criteria from developed project-specific BIM target process chains (WP2.1) as well as the derivation and description of the requirements definition for software for digital information verification and the development of a demonstrator (WP2.2).


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