BIM-based construction with RFID technology

Funders: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau

Project term: 12/2012 bis 07/2016

In order to avoid information losses or media discontinuities throughout the life cycle of a building and to achieve data consistency, the ARGE RFIDimBau has been working on the use of RFID technology to record physical actual data in connection with digital building models (BIM) since 2006 as part of the ZukunftBau research initiative. In this context, RFID technology is used for the unique identification of building components at different levels of digital marking. The research project "BIM-based construction with RFID technology" starts here. The aim is to link the actual data recorded using AutoID technology to building models using the BIM method in order to be able to carry out target/actual comparisons during the construction, utilisation and dismantling phases, among other things.

In addition to solving content-related questions on the topic of standardisation, such as data exchange, number structures for identification and classification, the focus is also on public relations work. Against this background, the ARGE RFIDimBau demonstration container was created.

The video about the project:

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