Detailed development of BIM-based processes for the operation of buildings for integration into a cross-life cycle process chain

Funders: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau

Project term: 09/17 bis 09/19

With an average building life of 50 years, the operation phase accounts for approximately 45 years. In terms of the management costs of a real estate life cycle, this corresponds to approx. 80 % of the total costs. In this context, considerable optimisation potential is seen in this phase through the use of the BIM method. In order for the BIM method to become fully established in the German construction and real estate industry, the development of standards in the digital process of the operational phase of a property is essential.

Building on the existing research results of the project "Entwicklung einer idealtypischen Soll-Prozesskette zur Anwendung der BIM-Methode im Lebenszyklus von Bauwerken" and the associated BIM process, the operation phase will be analysed in greater depth in the context of this research project and the existing information process, which answers the question: "Wer braucht welche Informationen von wem wann wofür" (Who needs what information from whom and for what purpose), will be continued. For the analysis, it is crucial to examine from different perspectives of those involved in the operation of a property which benefits arise from the application of the BIM method (BIM goal) and who needs to provide whom with which information and at what level of detail, so that information is available in a process-oriented manner. This correlates strongly with existing responsibilities of operator responsibility and the requirements of a portfolio management of properties.

For this purpose, standards for the digitisation of process chains with the BIM method are being developed together with experts within various work packages analogous to the process phases of the operating phase in order to create qualified building documentation in the form of a digital building data model, to update it throughout the entire life cycle, to generate specific partial documentation for individual processes and stakeholders and to evaluate it for the fulfilment of operationally relevant goals. The results will provide all parties involved with an overview of the processes in building management and transparently show the respective responsibilities with regard to the provision and processing of information.

The research project is divided into the following work packages (WP):

WP 1) Carrying out an in-depth analysis of the existing actual processes with regard to the flow of information and documentation, the degree of detail, and responsibilities (literature research, expert interviews, workshops).

WP 2) Definition and modelling of the in-depth actual processes, responsibility wedges and the information flow

WP 3) Development of a detailed BIM target process chain by analysing who needs when which information with which level of detail for the execution of which process and who can provide the information in a building data model and when.

WP 4) Develop a concept for connecting the CAFM systems to the building data model.

If necessary, the workshops will be supplemented by interviews with individual practitioners. In addition, results of external initiatives or projects that cover sub-areas of the process chain will be integrated at appropriate points. The transparency and dissemination of the research is to be ensured through the continuous publication of interim and final results in specialist media and through public presentations.


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